Part 3 — Anticipating and Controlling the Impacts on Jobs and Employment The Coding Boot Camps in Israel The Israeli Government has set up a "coding boot camps" programme, implemented by the Innovation Authority. The overarching objective of this programme is to encourage private initiatives aimed at the vocational training of seniors, minorities or a career change towards hi-tech occupations—particularly in computer programming. In Israel, national service also plays a key role in fostering encounters, ecosystem rationale and work on defined projects, for the benefit of the nation as a whole. Lastly, trials aimed at expediting links between initial training and continuing professional development could be launched: a reminder clause could be introduced, which would encourage certain initial training courses, identified as having learning outcomes at risk of being automatable in the near future, to get back in touch with their alumni after a certain number of years to offer them modules to develop their skills. Focusing Certain Schemes on Jobs that are at Higher Risk of Automation The experimental approach could serve to bring about different ways of thinking to the mindsets that are currently adopted in vocational training. Current schemes are mainly to be taken up at the initiative of employees, in a mindset of individual accountability. Given the potentially lightning-quick, exponential even, nature of these changes, for the existing general schemes it seems difficult to be able to cover all situations, enabling both consideration of the needs of the whole population and the need to act in a targeted and urgent manner. What is more, individuals are not all equally equipped in the face of their changing jobs to be able to adapt and build alternative career paths. In this regard, trials could be carried out to develop schemes for specific target groups, whose jobs are considered to be at the highest risk of automation and who will struggle to make the necessary career changes themselves. The aim is therefore to move partly away from the sole view that individuals are accountable for their own professional transitions. Accordingly, a trial could be conducted to transform the career review guidance (CEP) or to come up with a new type of individual training leave. Examples of trials The CEP: the resources of the career review guidance (CEP) could be proactively geared towards the individuals working in these occupations, without waiting for them to initiate the process themselves. This free, personalized support scheme, available to anyone wishing to review their professional situation, is a key feature of the vocational reform, and yet it remains vastly underused today. Indeed, to work effectively, mechanisms that make individuals accountable for their own training choices, via the individual training account, are reliant on the latter's abilities to 89