A debate leadership role A role leading open debates, at national and international level, on the changing workplace in the age of automation. This role must take shape, beyond the theoretical aspect, via the establishment and/or networking of living discussion on the future of work, which take the form of think tanks on the new occupations and uses of tomorrow. The Arbeitviernull platform in Germany In connection with the congress entitled "Work 4.0", organized on 22 April 2015 in Berlin, the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs (Andrea Nahles) unveiled a "Green paper on Work 4.0" which outlines the main challenges and questions raised by the digital revolution underway. This document is intended to inform another debate on the future of the workplace with all of the stakeholders concerned (economic, political and social decision-makers, experts and citizens). A website (www.arbeitenviernull.de) provides a platform for a broad and open dialogue with all of the stakeholders. Constitution of this structure To operate most effectively, it seems necessary for this structure to conduct discussions on an inter-sectoral basis and to take a tripartite approach (State, trade unions, local authorities), as well as drawing on the foresight capacities of academia or specialist public institutions. The link with technical experts will be paramount if it is to succeed in its missions. This structure may be encouraged to play a part in international debates, via the nomination of foreign experts for example, or via participation in a global policy network. Experiments and funding The experimental role strikes as being central to this structure's purpose, hence why calling it a “lab” in French (think tank) appears justified. The testing ground is extensive. The new learning methods Trials could bear on the new learning methods and on the way to organize the range of vocational training programmes to best cater to needs that are difficult to address because they are not directly related to business-specific skills: creativity, cross- cutting skills, general cognitive skills, etc. In this respect, in keeping with the creativity plan (see below), this structure shall have to help finance calls for proposals for the attention of the vocational and initial training ecosystem. It could also help bring about proofs of concepts (POC) and demonstrators, tailored to specific professional transitions, in connection with the think tanks on the occupations of tomorrow (see below). 88