make the right training choices. In the context of these trials on the occupations under threat of automation, the structures organizing the CEP (Pôle Emploi, mission locale, accredited joint collecting organization for the individual training leave/OPACIF) could be extended to include other stakeholders, in a networking perspective. In this way, a community of expert advisers (volunteers, professionals in the sector, etc.) could be set up along with platforms for discussions and sharing experiences in a more flexible way; The CIF: There are debates over the merits of the individual training leave (CIF), which enables an employee to train over long periods of time via funding from the OPACIF, insofar as it appears to be able to double up with the individual training account (CPF). It could be upheld but turned into a tool that facilitates major career changes. It would thus become leave for embarking on a career change, with a target list of occupations that are identified to be at-risk; Supplementation of CPF points: the trials could include supplementing the points in the individual training account (CPF); EDECs (Commitments to Develop Employment and Skills) could be funded by this structure for identified local areas or businesses. Job rotation in Denmark Job rotation involves businesses, employees and jobseekers. After receiving training, the latter temporarily fill the position left vacant by an employee who embarks on long-term training. This choice guarantees that the position is not left vacant, whilst providing the jobseeker with work experience that s/he will then be able to put on his/her CV. The scheme is working well. According to the figures released, this method enables 6 in 10 jobseekers taking part in this scheme to find a new job. Trials in local areas Finally, these trials could also finance initiatives in specific local areas, which are trying to invent new models to deal with the automation of occupations for example. The debate on the basic income, championed by different stakeholders with diverging—or altogether conflicting—political visions, or the debate on commons and methods that contribute to wealth creation could thus gain from the setup of concrete trials. Several trials are beginning to emerge in local areas, aimed at rolling out jobs and occupation transition models: the Aquitaine region has pledged to test out a basic income, zero unemployment areas are aiming to hire long-term jobseekers on permanent contracts, using funding from grants, and the intermunicipality Plaine Commune has launched plans for a contributory income in its region… Such a structure could fund and/or support other similar trials and organize the public sharing of feedback. 90