Defining artificial intelligence (AI) is no Grounded on logic easy matter. The field is so broad that it Some researchers such as John cannot be limited to a specific area of McCarthy, also one great figure in the research. AI is more of an ambition: it AI field, argue that rational logic is a seeks to understand how human more relevant “standard” of cognition works by creating cognitive intelligence measurement than human processes that emulate those of human capabilities. This approach to AI takes beings. advantage of the tools offered by mathematical logic to formalize the AI is at the crossroad of multiple fields: complex tasks to be accomplished by computer science, mathematics (logics, artificial intelligence machines. The optimisation, analysis, probabilities, main issue this approach has to deal linear algebra…), cognitive science… with is the formalization of the tasks. For These core scientific disciplines also example, we can ask ourselves which need to be mixed with the specific apprehensible rules of reasoning allow knowledge of the fields they are us to distinguish almost immediately a applied to, and each algorithm in AI is picture of a cat from that of a dog supported by a mix of techniques: among the hundreds of possible races? semantic analysis, symbolic computing, Moreover, how to take into account the machine learning, exploratory analysis, fact that the image could be blurred? deep learning and neural networks… Besides, in our daily decisions, uncertainty is constantly present and Defining AI managed by other rules than logic: Imitate human capabilities habit, emotions and intuitions play an essential role in these mechanisms. Marvin Lee Minsky, who is considered What is the goal of AI? as one of the founding fathers of AI, defines it as follows: “the science of One could wonder why we even bother making machines do things that would to build smart machines. The primary require intelligence if done by men. It goal would be that they make our lives requires high-level mental processes easier by taking care of complex and such as: perceptual learning, memory repetitive daily tasks: find our best and critical thinking.” itineraries to reach our friend’s house, In other words, artificial intelligence is select the most relevant content the science of building computer according to our tastes, translate programs that aim to perform tasks that texts… That is what experts refer to would require some intelligence if they when they talk about “weak AI”. were done by human beings. Therefore, These programs are only able to no human activity seems to be out of perform one single and delimited task, reach: moving from one place to hence the “weak” qualification. another, learning, reasoning, Algorithms building our favorite socializing, creativity etc. Nevertheless, playlists, finding the most relevant we are still far from creating a machine search results or identifying our friends that would be able to match or on social media are not able to do outperform human capabilities in all anything more than this. Yet, this does fields. not make these algorithms any less useful, but it could lead to some artificial stupidity: if one AI technique is