- indexing all of the innovative teaching projects that have been put into practice in schools, higher education & research or the vocational training sector; - raising the profile of individuals and schools making use of these innovative practices and for encouraging exchange networks to form around such practices; - launching and communicating on events aimed at rolling out innovative practices more widely. This platform should be coordinated at the interministerial level (school education, research and the workplace). Technion in Israel The Technion—Israel Institute of Technology is a research institute and public university in Haifa, Israel, specializing in the science and technology fields. The classes of some programmes, computer science in particular, mainly comprise sessions focusing on a specific project. The students are placed in scenarios where they must solve a problem and/or create an object or function. The teacher plays a facilitating role. The results of this type of approach are inspiring: the company Waze was founded by Technion students, as well as many Google algorithms. Expérithèque The Expérithèque platform, set up by the French Ministry of National Education, keeps a record of teaching innovations nationwide. This type of setup could form the basis of a future platform, which would more largely factor in the aforementioned aims and relies on a dedicated coordination function. Freeing Up Time and Means for Pioneers of Innovative Teaching Methods Along the same lines as what is done for general interest entrepreneurs, some individuals or institutions who are leading the way with groundbreaking teaching methods could be awarded special means for documenting and sharing their projects. Two points should be borne in mind, however, when setting about this: the point is not so much to single out individuals as it is to promote collective setups. The main aim of making resources available—or granting leave to teachers from certain teaching duties, for example—must then be to formally put together and disseminate innovative teaching experiences. The methods for recognizing this type of leave taken from traditional duties, in terms of career, must be developed. Creating a similar system for granting leave to staff who are not teachers should also be considered, to take into account the changes taking effect across all of the Ministry's occupations. 96