Part 3 — Anticipating and Controlling the Impacts on Jobs and Employment syllabuses, with constant statistical assessment required of students' progress and precisely defined monitoring indicators but at the same time they are called to adopt highly innovative teaching methods, which are often very demanding in terms of time, resources and freedom. This report does not in any way intend to add to their demands, from the outside. On the contrary, teachers' capacities for initiative must take precedence, and we should be enabling them to be acknowledged and to take action when they innovate. For how many teachers, at all levels and even in higher education, which is innovating, are investing considerable effort in improving teaching methods and seeing these efforts go unappreciated and their achievements downplayed? This situation needs to change, so that those who are committed to changing practices receive the recognition they deserve: not to diminish those who, on a daily basis, are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, but to show that it is possible to progress, to provide examples and, above all, to forge networks. At the same time, one or more centers for conducting monitoring, foresight activities and pilot schemes could be set up within the Ministry to help bring about and roll out innovative strategies. Encouraging Creativity and Innovative Teaching Practices We are recommending launching a series of actions aimed at fostering creativity and innovative practices in the vocational training sector (Ministry of Labor), school education and higher education and research sectors with a view to setting up pooling mechanisms and financing tools that are common to the three sectors. The aim is to develop new experimental teaching methods at various levels (project- based teaching, cross-disciplinary teaching, peer-to-peer teaching, etc.). Such measures are not intended to create new demands on teachers but, above all, to raise the profile and bring together in a network those who are busy setting up innovative teaching practices. They will also seek to equip these pioneers and enable them to take action, not unlike what is being done for general interest entrepreneurs, by giving precedence to collective setups. Priority must be given to revising teacher training ahead of any specific measure. In addition, innovations to the extracurricular system must be promoted and harnessed by the traditional education system: countless initiatives encourage creativity and innovation, among them competitions (French young mathematicians' tournament), educational support initiatives (Curious Mind) and local pilot schemes. The number one objective is to raise the profile and bring together in a network all those who are breaking new ground in their creativity-enhancing teaching practices. Setting Up a Platform for Promoting Pioneers of Innovative Teaching Methods This could be somewhere for: - accommodating a library of innovative teaching practices, with an explanation for each practice and the rules for putting them in place; 95