The Report in 10 Pages alone are responsible for their own new courses on AI on the other e.g. career development. law-AI joint degrees, general Trying out New Professional modules, etc. All degree courses Training Funding Methods to should be involved, i.e. 2-year, 3-year, Successfully Deal with Value Masters, Ph. D, etc. Transfer Funding for staff training is calculated Part 4 — on the basis of a company’s total Artificial intelligence payroll, yet the development of AI further promotes the transformation Working for a More in value chains and reduce the link Ecological Economy between those funding professional training and those who derive the value-added from it. Companies with Carving out a meaningful role for a very small payroll can therefore artificial intelligence also means create a large portion of the value- addressing its sustainability, added in an overall value chain that especially from an ecological they are responsible for extensively standpoint. This does not just mean changing, e.g. by developing considering the application of AI in software for self-driving cars. Yet for our ecological transition, but rather the moment, they do not take part in designing natively ecological AI and funding the career transition of staff using it to tackle the impact of human employed by other companies that action on the environment. This is an operate across the value chain. urgent matter as world data storage We therefore propose initiating requirements, inherently correlated to dialogue with industrial partners on the development of digital how value-added is shared across the technology and AI, could exceed entire value chain. This type of available worldwide silicon negotiation cannot be based on the production out to 2040. usual formats for social dialogue, First and foremost, France and Europe which mostly operate nationwide with can spearhead this smart ecological a vocational branch approach. Trials transition by raising awareness on the could be organized by the international arena. The primary task International Labor Organization or is to consider both the impact of AI on sector social dialogue committees achievement of the UN’s sustainable focused on products and value chains development goals, how it puts that are particularly affected by these pressure on certain goals and how it value questions. can accelerate others. AI must be Training Talents in AI at Each and included in initiatives emerging as Every Degree Level part of the Paris Climate agreement One clear target must be set: triple and the Global Pact for the the number of people trained in Environment. artificial intelligence in France in the Players in both digital and ecological next three years, by ensuring that transition must join forces, which existing training programmes focus require setting up a devoted space for more on AI on the one hand, but also AI research and energy resource by setting up new programmes and optimization research to meet, and 13