Executive summary readjustment, which often hit the complex and difficult to steer. For most fragile portions of the example, professional training is population the hardest. So it is worth 32 billion euros per year, with a important to face this issue head-on vast array of funding channels and a and take resolute action, while not whole range of different stakeholders giving in to panic or fatalism. involved. This firstly involves looking into the It is therefore crucial to create a space complementarity between humans where both prospective capacities, and artificial intelligence: if we are to macroeconomic forecasts and assume that, for most jobs, individuals analysis of changes in uses can be will have to work with a machine, then linked to concrete experimentation it is vital to find a complementarity capacities articulated with actions set-up that does not alienate staff but aimed at certain categories of instead allows for the development of workers. A permanent structure could truly human capabilities, such as therefore be created to spearhead creativity, manual dexterity, problem- these subjects within labor and solving abilities, etc. This can take professional training public policy, several forms. Firstly, it might involve with a twofold role: to anticipate and a shift in labor relations to fully experiment. integrate digital challenges and This experimental approach can then develop a ‘positive complementarity be used to initiate logics different index’. More broadly speaking, from those currently in force in legislation could be implemented to vocational training, i.e. it is now deal with working conditions at a time broadly left up to employees, who of increasing automation in order to take personal responsibility for their factor in new risks. Lastly, formal own training. Yet in light of the education and lifelong learning potentially swift or even exponential should be overhauled in order to speed of transformation, it is difficult promote experimental teaching for current general programmes to methods that can help graduates and incorporate all possible situations and staff develop the creative skills that take on board both the requirements are becoming increasingly vital. of the entire population and the need Setting up a Public Lab for Labor for a fast but targeted approach. Transformations Furthermore, staff do not all react in The top priority is to ensure that the the same way to the transformation of ability to anticipate is sustainable, their jobs and do not all have the continuous and above all articulated same ability to build a new career with public policies. The publication path. of studies on the future of the labor In this respect, trials could be carried market often sparks off fascinating out to design programmes that target collective debate, but does not always certain groups, whose jobs are result in concrete actions, with public deemed to be more at risk from policy being only slightly adapted automation and who would have without fully taking into account the more difficulty addressing their results of these forecasting exercises professional development without yet. Transformation can be extremely guidance. This approach involves fast, while public policy moving somewhat away from the implementation procedures are current strategy whereby employees 12