The Report in 10 Pages the opportunity to interact with world- Make Public Research Careers More class corporations via internships and Attractive innovation competitions, multi- It is unrealistic to try to compete with disciplinary training programmes with GAFAM’s salary scale, but the gap is joint degrees, and scholarships for currently so wide that it tends to Masters’ degree and Ph.D. students discourage young graduates, even should help significantly boost the those who are extremely interested in number of students taking AI training public research and contributing to at these institutes. the common good to join public Lastly, it is essential to take a nation- research institutions. Doubling wide approach to coordinate this salaries in the early stages of their interdisciplinary institute network careers at the very least is a vital from both scientific and administrative starting point, otherwise the pool of standpoints, in order to ensure that young graduates interested in higher they are run efficiently and education and academic research will transparently. From a scientific definitively dry up. It is also important standpoint, this involves the to make France more attractive to coordination of seminars, pooling expatriate or foreign talents, with training resources, coordination of financial incentives for example. internships and consolidation of their results. Meanwhile, in administrative terms, this will involve assessing the Part 3 — red-tape fast-track provisions granted Assessing the Effects of to all institutes and ensuring that each one benefits from this set-up, while AI on the Future of Work keeping procedures streamlined and and the Labor Market, ensuring that each institute can operate independently. and Experiment Research Computing Resources Adequate Policy AI research institutes need to have the Responses computing resources required to compete with the virtually unlimited resources of private dominant actors. The labor market is undergoing vast To do so, our task force therefore changes, but it is not yet fully suggests setting up a supercomputer equipped to address it. There are designed specifically for AI usage and considerable uncertainties on the devoted to researchers and their effects of the development of artificial economic partners during their shared intelligence, automation and robotics, initiatives. particularly on job creation and This supercomputer is vital but should destruction. However, it looks also be rounded out by an access increasingly certain that most sectors package to a private cloud set-up, and companies will be widely developed European-wide and reshaped. We are entering a new era tailored to meet the specific features of major technological transition and of AI in terms of computing time and history shows us that previous periods data storage space. of transition did not always run smoothly. Indeed, they sometimes involved drastic political