Executive summary This transformation will obviously take up a network of independent but time and the various ministries and coordinating Interdisciplinary government bodies display varying Institutes for Artificial Intelligence degrees of progress in the field of AI. within defined number of public An inter-ministerial coordinator role higher education institutions. These should therefore be created, devoted bodies would house researchers, to implementing this strategy, with engineers and students, and should support from a shared specialist be located all across the country, each center consisting of around thirty staff one devoted to specific aspects of AI, tasked with acting in an advisory and with a very strong focus on an capacity for the different government interdisciplinary approach, notably by bodies. including social scientists. Meanwhile, public procurement First and foremost, it will be crucial to needs to be reviewed: this budget is attract French and international estimated at close to 70 billion euros academics, and these institutes will for the State, public authorities and therefore have to create an attractive local bodies each year and it is working environment in order to insufficiently oriented towards effectively address competition from innovation. Our task force “Big Tech”. They should therefore be recommends a number of measures set up as AI “free zones”, with a aimed at using public procurement to considerable reduction in support European industries and at administrative formalities across the breathing fresh momentum into board, hefty salary top-ups, and innovative public spending. support in improving quality of living. These institutes could offer full-time positions as well as intermediary Part 2 — affiliate status for researchers who Promoting Agile and remain in founding establishments. Enabling Research It will also be important to attract private partners, such as large groups, SMEs and start-ups, which can deliver The French academic research is at brand new AI solutions, by enabling the forefront of worldwide exploration them to train their own engineers, on mathematics and artificial recruit premium quality engineers, intelligence, but the country’s and make or consolidate scientific progress does not always technological breakthroughs. A range translate into concrete industrial and of options could be provided to economic applications. The country is enable participants to get involved on hit by the brain drain towards US a tailored basis, based on heavyweights, and training personalized framework contracts that capabilities on AI and data science fall provide for a simple fast-track well short of requirements. cooperation process. Bringing Academics Together These institutes should heavily invest Within Interdisciplinary Research to increase the supply of attractive Institutes on Artificial Intelligence and diversified AI training programmes. The presence of It is key to bolster our position internationally renowned academics worldwide on AI research by setting with the support of premium teams,