Part 1 — An Economic Policy Based on Data Creating Labels for the Purpose of Raising the Profile of Domestic Uses for AI Establishing a label affiliated with French tech and awards for innovation The visibility of our ecosystem is therefore a key factor in its success. We should look to the example of French Tech for inspiration here: in the few years of its existence, this label has been instrumental in its unification, establishing networks and raising the international profile of the French digital ecosystem; the example it provides could usefully be complemented by a specialization in the field The visibility of of AI. Such a label, affiliated with French Tech, could specifically our ecosystem is identify French stakeholders in AI: academic laboratories, manufacturers and communities of interest. It could serve as a a key factor in its basis for organizing events and for specific communication on success the subject of research and innovation in AI (meet-ups, conferences, business communications, etc), thus contributing to the consolidation of our ecosystem. Establishing ‘homegrown innovation’ awards Beyond these issues of visibility and transparency, there still remains the question of perceived risk. In developing an innovative AI solution, a start-up will too frequently have to brave the resistance of large companies and public authorities who are reluctant to adopt solutions that are considered, sometimes wrongly, to be too risky. The establishment of ‘home-grown innovation’ awards for AI solutions could help to secure these potential customers. They could identify and reward businesses which have supplied operational solutions that have met their customers’ requirements. These awards could initially be deployed within the context of public procurement before perhaps being extended to larger companies. The aim would be to create a showcase for the public which would promote businesses whose solutions have been tried and tested and at the same time reassure future customers about the extent to which these solutions can meet their requirements on a permanent basis. This label and these awards would need to be accompanied by the creation of a public information portal in order to contribute to the goal of greater visibility, and the ‘one-stop information shop’ mentioned above would need to give wide publicity to these labels as a mean of supporting them. Consolidating Customer Sectors The establishment and development of the French and European AI ecosystem should result in a wide and sophisticated range of options. Consequently, there is a need for it to be at the forefront of clear and well-structured demands, which are currently lacking in potential users of AI. The reason? Although they are aware of the great potential of this technology, traditional stakeholders remain a little ignorant on the subject. Preoccupied, on the whole, with distinguishing genuine innovation from the buzz surrounding AI, these businesses are still often only at the thinking stage when it comes to changes in their professions and in their business models or, in more advanced cases, that of experimentation—which does not always result in fully 33