The mission Cédric Villani Mathematician and Member of the National Assembly Cédric Villani is a French mathematician and a former student of the École normale supérieure. He received a doctorate in mathematics and he is the winner of the Fields Medal in 2010 and of the Doob price in 2014. He is now professor at the University of Lyon. He has been the director of Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris from 2009 to 2017. He has held various visiting positions at several foreign universities. He is Member of the National Assembly for the Fifth Constituency of the Essonne and he is vice-president of the OPECST (parliamentary office for scientific and technological options assessment). He is member of the Academy of Sciences and has published several books, including Alive Theorem, which has been translated in 12 languages. @VillaniCedric Marc Schoenauer Principal Senior Researcher with INRIA Marc Schoenauer is Principal Senior Researcher with INRIA since 2001. He graduated at École normale supérieure. For 20 years, he has been full time researcher with CNRS (the French National Research Center), working at CMAP (the Applied Maths Laboratory) at École Polytechnique. He then joined INRIA, and later founded the TAO team (Thème Apprentissage et Optimization, i.e., Machine Learning and Optimization Theme) at INRIA Saclay in September 2003 together with Michèle Sebag. He has co-authored more than hundred articles and has supervised 35 doctorate dissertations. He has been president of the AFIA (the French Association for Artificial Intelligence) from 2002 to 2004. @evomarc Yann Bonnet General secretary to the French Digital Council. An engineer by training, Yann Bonnet began his career as a consultant. He joined the French Digital Council in 2013 as General Rapporteur, before becoming Secretary General in 2015. He was in charge of steering the national consultation on digital transformations, which was launched by the Prime Minister in 2014. This initiative eventually led to the Law for a Digital Republic. Yann Bonnet was also in charge of multiple reports, including taxation in the digital age, the digital dimension of the TTIP negotiations and online platforms fairness. @yann_bonnet 149