Part 2 — Towards Agile and Enabling Research Encouraging the Setup of Industrial Chairs Through Co-Financing Chairs (for example the initiatives of excellence [IdEx] chairs of excellence) tend to be associated with chairholders, involving funding for a limited period of time (5 years) and including an earnings supplement and facilities & administrative budget for a small team of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers who are starting up a dedicated research team. A fairly widespread variant is the industrial chair, fully financed by an industrial stakeholder (a multinational, given the level of investment), including pay for the chairholder. The aim here is to encourage the creation of such chairs; the chair must be set up for at least 5 years, and financing must make it possible to typically recruit one or two doctoral students and, some years, postdoctoral researchers. Public funding may supplement the overheads for the industrial chairs as follows: - The candidate already holds a position in higher education or research. In this case, the chair must finance an earnings supplement (but it is important, here again, to line up with the market as defined by the GAFAMs), plus a small team. The candidate does not (yet) hold a position—this is typically the case for an expatriate we are trying to bring back into the French research fold. The public funding of the chair after 3 years could therefore depend on the chairholder obtaining a permanent position. 79
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