Executive summary fallible though it is, must not be Parity and Diversity: Acting to replaced by a machine? Promote Equality Setting Up an AI Ethics Committee Despite the slow but steady Our mission recommends the creation feminization of scientific and technical of a digital technology and AI ethics sectors, digital technologies remain committee that is open to society. something of an exception, with This body would be in charge of gender balance still very far off. As leading public discussion in a digital technologies and, in the very transparent way, and organized and near future, artificial intelligence governed by law. It should work become widely present in our lives, alongside sector committees and this lack of diversity can lead combine short-term considerations, algorithms to reproduce often such as economic and industrial unconscious cognitive bias in impacts, with the ability to take a step programme design, data analysis and back and take the long view. the interpretation of results. One of the major challenges of AI is ensuring Recommendations from the greater representation within our committee, which would operate societies. entirely independently, could help Educational efforts on equality and inform researchers’, economic digital technology are obviously vital, players’, industry’s and the State’s but greater diversity could also be technological decisions. Its achieved with an incentive policy recommendations could act as a aimed at achieving 40% of female benchmark for resolving ethical students in digital subject areas in matters (e.g. on self-driving vehicles) universities, business schools and and hence provide a standard for AI their preparatory classes out to 2020. developments. All moves to promote diversity in digital companies could be further Part 6 — fostered by a nation-wide approach to promote diversity in technology via a Inclusive and Diverse AI national database aimed at documenting gender inequality in the workplace and the provision of funds Artificial intelligence must not devoted to supporting diversity in AI. become a new way of excluding parts Developing Digital Mediation and of the population. At a time when Social Innovation to Ensure AI these technologies are becoming the Benefits All keys to opening the world of the future, this is a democratic Given the extent of future AI-led requirement. AI creates vast transformation, we have a collective opportunities for value creation and responsibility to ensure that no-one the development of our societies and gets left behind. For everyone to truly individuals, but these opportunities benefit from breakthroughs made in must benefit everyone across the AI, our procedures for access to rights board. must change and our mediation capabilities must also be considerably bolstered. So our mission puts forward a proposal to set up an 16